Make the Most of Your Self Storage Space

Published on 11/7/2024

People have different reasons for keeping their possessions in self-storage. Some do it because they’re getting their homes renovated; some because they’re moving to a smaller home; and some because they’re relocating to another city and need some place to house their things temporarily. But regardless of the reasons, the same conditions apply to all of them. There are certain basic precautions every body needs to take when their possessions are placed in self-storage.

The first item you need to get when you start stocking up on packing materials such as masking tape and bubble wrap, is a stack of labels. You’ll need lots of labels, not just for every box you keep In storage, but one for each surface of the box – basically for all six sides. Taking the trouble to diligently label each and every box (on every side) will save you a lot of grief later on when you need to locate those boxes.

The next step you must be very particular about is keeping a written inventory. List the contents of every box in detail, number each box and cross index everything. This will enable you to identify individual boxes when you want to access anything in particular at a later stage.

This will also influence the way you place the boxes in the storage unit – try to inject some method to the madness by placing them in numerical order. Nothing is more annoying than having to clamber over piles of boxes, or pushing and shoving them aside just to locate one particular box.

Do remember to pack lighter items in bigger boxes and heavier items in smaller boxes. This way, you won’t be stuck with huge boxes of heavy stuff that you can neither lift nor push aside. Small, heavy boxes are easier to lift and move aside; while big boxes are easier to lift even if they’re packed fully, as long as they’re light objects. The other thing you need to keep in mind is that never pack boxes with more than you can carry – so do ensure that the boxes don’t weigh more than you can lift without trouble.

Where drapes, linen and clothes are concerned – always use wardrobe bags to hang them in. This will enable the fabrics to breathe and also keep them from getting crushed and crumpled. If necessary, use mothballs to protect them.

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